Valerio Berruti

Mr. Berruti was born in Alba, in Piemonte, in 1977.
He got a degree in Art Criticism at DAMS in Turin; he lives and works in Verduno (CN) in a deconsecrated church that he bought and restored in 1995. In 2003 he participated in Gemine Muse with an installation in the Museum of Ancient Art in Turin; in 2004 he won the Premio Celeste for the category "accomplished artist" and the Pagine Bianche d'Autore Award at Regione Piemonte, while in 2005 he was selected by New York's International Studio and Curatorial Program as the only Italian artist; in the same year he staged the exhibit Golgota at the Esso Gallery in Chelsea (New York).


Gufram - Summertime couch

G10100 summertime
an instrument of delightful idleness; an invitation to the comfortable relaxation of early summer days. Designed for use indoors, it is suitable also for the outdoor.

Gufram - Autumntime couch

G10100 autumntime
An instrument of delightful idleness; an invitation to the comfortable relaxation of early summer days. Designed for use indoors, it is suitable also for the outdoor.