Max Huges

I’ve never studied art, and this is proof of what I believe. Art should not be studied, it should be appreciated spontaneously, it does not require complex notions. It is pure instinct, like mathematics.
Its purpose is to amaze by providing emotions, feelings. No matter if they are negative or positive, this is the artist’s competence. But a work of art that is not surprising for its beauty, does not make the viewer laugh or cry, can not be considered as such.
I like to laugh and I appreciate people who make me laugh. Making someone smile is a great form of satisfaction, and that’s what I feel when I create my art. I like to laugh and I appreciate people who make me laugh. Making someone smile is a great form of satisfaction, and that’s what I try to do with my art. Irony is an incredible weapon, Winston Churchill certainly knew that.
Art is not limited to frames and paintings, there is also art in the kitchen, even solving a math problem or programming an application. Art exists and is in front of us every day, but we don’t realize it. I think the line between art and engineering doesn’t exist, because one is powered by the other.
Logic and irony, like Winston.