Cameranesi Pompili

Cameranesi Pompili are Valentina Cameranesi Sgroi and Enrico Pompili, creative directors and set designer. With different educational and working experiences, since 2013 they have signed together installations, photographic services, videos and research projects for Italian and foreign magazines and companies, working mainly in Italy and France.
Their research continuously grafts a contemporary and avant-garde reality on their peculiar memory of tradition. The collaboration with different realities and identities and the development of their own language, in which aesthetics and narrative can be merged, are the basis of their work.

Designer carpets signed MDF Italia and CCTApis. They complete the environment with style and elegance.  When ordering specify the color chosen between neutral and red.
Designer carpets signed MDF Italia and CCTApis. They complete the environment with style and elegance.  When ordering specify the color chosen between neutral and red.