Irreverent and mischievous, the three monkeys designed by Marcantonio have taken possession of an entire chandelier! Unconventional in its splendor, the Monkey chandelier is simply perfect for unusual environments.
LED included.
A family of funny and stealthy monkey lamps, with a strong aesthetic impact. Art, design and the animal world blend together, creating the perfect setting for an enchanted home.
cm. 59 x 40 h. 44
A family of funny and stealthy monkey lamps, with a strong aesthetic impact. Art, design and the animal world blend together, creating the perfect setting for an enchanted home.
cm. 37 x 20 h. 76,5
A family of funny and stealthy monkey lamps, with a strong aesthetic impact. Art, design and the animal world blend together, creating the perfect setting for an enchanted home.
cm. 36 x 24 h. 65
A family of funny and stealthy monkey lamps, with a strong aesthetic impact. Art, design and the animal world blend together, creating the perfect setting for an enchanted home.
cm. 59 x 40 h. 44
Irreverent and mischievous, the three monkeys designed by Marcantonio have taken possession of an entire chandelier! Unconventional in its splendor, the Monkey chandelier is simply perfect for unusual environments.
LED included.
A family of funny and stealthy monkey lamps, with a strong aesthetic impact. Art, design and the animal world blend together, creating the perfect setting for an enchanted home.
cm. 59 x 40 h. 44
Thalea, created by Paolo Rizzatto and Francesco Librizzi, is a series of lampshades in stained glass and aluminium. Thanks to an innovative joint, it offers configurations inspired by the art of the Renaissance. With two light sources, it combines design and functionality, reflecting the FontanaArte style.