Rick Tegeelar

Rick Tegelaar (Rotterdam, 1986) graduated with honors from the product design department artez Arnhem in 2011. Since then he has worked independently of his studio and laboratory in Arnhem. As a material-oriented designer, Rick’s work is characterized by the use of very rare materials, finding new wonderful shapes with an innovative approach. Rick has been interested in machinery and mechanical processes since childhood. This fascination for engineering, combined with his delicate sense of aesthetics, is reflected in his designs, which cast a new light on undervalued materials and existing techniques. " I always got a lot of satisfaction from the process of creating something. When I was a child I always played with Lego technicians. Even now, sometimes I use Lego to create a scale model. I’m a designer who combines thought and action to develop new projects. "

Moooi Lampada a sospensione Meshmatics L longho design palermo Moooi Lampada a sospensione Meshmatics L longho design palermo 2
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Suspension Lamps

Moooi - Meshmatics L suspension lamp

Anyone with eyes on the Meshmatics Chandelier will never guess what lies behind its sophisticated appearance.