
Gumdesign is an architecture, industrial design, graphics and art direction firm founded in 1999 in Viareggio by Laura Fiaschi (born 1977, Carrara, with a degree in Design, Graphics and Communication from the University of Reggio Emilia) and Gabriele Pardi (born 1966, Viareggio, with a degree in architecture from the University of Florence). The dynamic and versatile studio focuses on continuous experimentation, creating essential and functional projects with a powerful graphic and formal presence. Laura Fiaschi and Gabriele Pardi both teach, holding lessons, workshops and seminars at universities and schools.  They received numerous awards including the Edida 2020 Nomination for the Pinstripes collection designed for AntonioLupi, the Adi Booth Design Award "Research" category for the Styl'editions booth, the 2019 Marble Woman Award, the Best Communicator Award 2014 Design category.