Alejandro Ruiz

Born in Bahia Blanca in 1954. Designer, interior designer and interior decorator. He collaborated with Alchimia studio and with Gregotti Associati. He was teacher at the European Design Institute and at Domus Academy. He works for Alacta, Perani, Mimo, Red-Zanussi.

Alessi  Grattugia Parmenide ghiaccio longho design palermo Alessi  Grattugia Parmenide ghiaccio longho design palermo 2
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kitchen accessories

Alessi - Parmenide ice grater

€14.02 €15.57
Grater with collector in thermoplastic resin, ice and polished steel. cm 15,3 x cm 7,5 h cm 6,7
Alessi - Cohncave blu centrepiece Alessi - Cohncave blu centrepiece 2
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vases and centrepieces

Alessi - Cohncave blu centrepiece

€146.80 €163.11
Centrotavola traforato in acciaio colorato con resina epossidica.
Alessi - Grattugia Parmenide nera Alessi - Grattugia Parmenide nera 2
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kitchen accessories

Alessi - Parmenide black grater

€14.02 €15.57
Grater with binder in black thermoplastic resin and polished steel.